Upcoming Courses

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We would always suggest taking a Standard First Aid with CPRC and AED Skills course since this level of training covers all aspects of First Aid and CPR that a First Aider can perform.

Workplace Requirements are below:

  • For workplaces with less than 5 employees on any one shift, Emergency First Aid with CPRC and AED Skills is required.

  • For workplaces with 6 or more workers on any one shift, Standard First Aid with CPRC and AED Skills is required.

Professional Designations:

  • Standard First Aid with CPRC and AED Skills is required for all: Early Childhood Educators (E.C.E.), Personal Support Workers (PSW) recommended CPR HCP/BLS)), Developmental Service Workers (DSW), Security Guard/Correctional Officer, Police Officers (recommended CPR HCP/BLS)

  • Standard First Aid with CPR-HCP/BLS and AED Skills is required for all: Firefighters, Paramedic, Nurses, Dentists/Dental Hygienists

  • Yearly certification of CPRC and AED Skills is required for all: Personal Trainers and Athletic Therapists. (Standard First Aid with CPRC and AED Skills is highly recommended.)